whats the smartest way to steal shoes in a store

Throughout the year, we talked well-nigh cost reduction, so relevant in times of crisis. How to work with the array, how to better service, how to reduce marriage. It's time to talk about such a sensitive event as shoplifting. Theft and anti-theft methods were studied past Anna Komissarova.

SR72-Vector-Antivor_2.jpgWhere the current of air is blowing

The unstable economic state of affairs in the land causes a surge in theft of various sizes. Retail is a favorite sight for freebie lovers. Russia is no exception. According to the World Theft Barometer, developed by the Center for Retail Research from the UK, retail losses in the 2008 year amounted to $ 104 billion due to the loss of goods. At the aforementioned time, the costs of preventive measures and the organization of security services reached $ 25,5 billion. In the same year, goods worth over 1 billion francs disappeared in Switzerland. Unfortunately, there are no such statistics in Russia, simply information technology was noticed, according to Natalia Novoselova, a leading specialist at the consulting company Super Retail, that the most meaning increase in the number of thefts - over 20% - was observed during the catamenia of aggravation of crisis phenomena in social the economic life of society in the 1998-1999 years, the results of which were felt over the next few years. Today'south state of affairs is no better than ten years ago. The turn down in living standards, unemployment, the lack of regular wage payments, and the weakness of social security are far from a complete list of reasons that atomic number 82 to theft of other people'south property and official crimes of persons with access to cloth values.

The psychological atmosphere in concern is at present like this, Natalia shares, that everyone is trying, just in instance, to snatch the latter. According to experts, since the beginning of the crisis, the number of store thefts has increased 2-3 times.

Bermuda Square

Where is the Bermuda Triangle hiding where goods disappear? According to the ICLMN retail chain, it makes sense not to talk nigh the triangle, simply nigh the Bermuda square. It is composed of four main points of loss: transportation, management (10%), sellers (60%), buyers (xxx%).

Of the terminal professional thieves, oddly enough, only 5%, but random - most of all: from l to 70%. In addition, offended buyers resort to theft - their 25%. Resentment settles in their sensitive heart for the fact that the seller fabricated them wait too long or did not serve their complaint. And fifty-fifty because your shop has slippery steps.

Persons of sellers likewise frequently overgrown with fluff. According to Natalia Novoselova, among the reasons for the crime, personnel defenseless stealing indicate the inability to purchase the thing you like, the want to recoup for the lower salaries and generally its meager level, which does non permit us to satisfy the need for dress honestly. According to Natalia Novoselova, these people are professional thieves amid sellers.

Co-ordinate to the statistics of the IKLMN retail chain, merely x% are crystal clear honest, not able to steal under any circumstances. There are exactly the aforementioned number of professional thieves. But the rest of lxxx% are normal people, just if the opportunity arises, they will take advantage of it.

According to the consulting company Super Retail, of 70% of all thefts committed by personnel, about 50% occurs with the direct participation of the cashier. To avoid such cases, maintenance personnel should be aware of the consequences and that their work is monitored.

Often, shop staff steals in collusion with suppliers, customers, and security personnel. As a result, the employer does not save on reducing the wage fund, merely suffers tremendous financial losses. Numerous ways to transfer money and goods into the hands of staff are described in detail in the table.

Crazy hands of buyers (co-ordinate to a journalistic investigation)

It'southward no secret that stolen apples are the sweetest. As our journalistic investigation showed, the banal lack of money is not always the reason for the theft. For some, footling theft is a way to accept fun. Fans of amusement in this way tell that they enjoy the feeling of disruption of the earth order. This is similar to a situation where parents forbid a teenager to smoke, and he does it in spite of an adult out of a sense of resistance. And the dose of adrenaline is comparable to skiing.

Culture suppresses instincts, the state system limits the will of an individual individual, form society sets internal boundaries and creates hostility, add to this the pressure of parents on young people, limited fiscal opportunities, and y'all will understand that the freedom of a modern person consists just in choosing which conventions volition press on him.

As yous know, the greater the force per unit area, the greater the resistance force, the want to let off steam, neglect the ban, protestation, impose your little will on a big harsh system. We can say that the motive for the criminal offense is direct according to Dostoevsky: "Am I a trembling animate being or practise I accept the correct?"

Generally, the shops in the mass market sector play the role of the onetime woman-involvement-manager: there'due south an eternal flea marketplace, specially on weekends. Thieves' favorite mushroom glades in stores are narrow and narrow aisles and dimly lit sectors. Co-ordinate to the stories, the workers of the invisible rear are easiest to badger the shops selling jewelry. Pikals tear off at that place forth with an unfortunate slice of cardboard, to which they are most often attached. Jewelry from the TopShop shop nonetheless enjoys the title of like shooting fish in a barrel booty, even after the turrets, hung with spools, were moved closer to the greenbacks registers. Cashiers in that location are constantly decorated with maintenance, and jewelry still does not fall into their field of vision.

With apparel and shoes, things are more than complicated. However, in that location is e'er a way out. Lazy muddied tricks prefer to carefully cut off the RFID protection with scissors, and and so stitch a small hole at home. And kulibins in the soul are perverted in every possible way in the skill of manufacturing magnetic protection neutralizers.

Each newly opened store is tested past thieves - is it possible or not. If they understand what is possible, the goods will begin to leak through an invisible conveyor. That is, at least one month afterwards the opening of the store, you need to maximize protection.

With shield and sword

All ways to reduce the theft in retail can be divided into technical, psychological, organizational. The central to successful protection is to provide it at all levels.

First, install RFID protection on all products, a video surveillance system and anti-theft equipment at the output. It should be borne in heed that these measures will preclude the temptation of just unprofessional thieves and only among buyers. Professional, most likely, will resort to neutralization of protection and damage to markings.

Igor Chumarin, general director of the Saint petersburg Agency for Research and Prevention of Losses, believes that mirrors contribute to reducing theft among buyers. The more they will be on the trading flooring, the fewer thefts. A video camera set up unnoticed in places attractive to a thief tin can also save. Guards are some other barrier to thieves. Natalia Novoselova thinks that the guards are a double-edged sword: first they guard, so they steal. Chop - generally money wasted. Information technology is better to take your own guards who are motivated to guard and are responsible for the loss along with the sellers.

Thus, we approach organizational measures to prevent theft, and we demand to starting time with the stage of hiring.

It is appropriate that when hiring already at the start stage of advice with candidates, weed out those who were already not trusted by employers at their previous places of work.

If the feedback from your previous job is positive, y'all can assign an internship.

In addition to checking the applicant for professional person suitability, administrators pay attention to visitors with whom the trainee can communicate, identify his inclinations, etc. Sometimes, one-time employees of the enterprise may report negative data almost the newcomer, which must be monitored.

As a dominion, the fourth dimension allotted for the internship of the applicant is enough to check the employee through the Ministry of Internal Diplomacy for a criminal record, the committee of authoritative offenses.

Afterward a successful internship, simultaneously with the conclusion of an employment contract, it is necessary to conclude a commonage and individual liability agreement with the employee.

With cashiers, it is recommended that yous additionally conclude liability agreements for the funds entrusted to him.

If an employee refuses to conclude an agreement on total liability at the time of hiring, this is considered a violation of labor obligations. When revealing the facts of theft, an inventory should be carried out to establish the size of the damage acquired and the reasons for its occurrence. A written explanation is and so required of the employee. If he refuses to provide it, he will have to draw up an appropriate act. The amount of impairment is determined by actual losses based on market place prices. Natalia Novoselova believes that if the size of the theft does not allow to initiate a criminal case, and so the perpetrator should be punished by ruthless dismissal under the article "loss of trust on the part of the employer" (in accordance with paragraph 7 of article 81 of the Labor Lawmaking of the Russian federation), also in public, if only with it does not plant an agreement to maintain confidentiality. Be sure to tell at the full general coming together of the team nearly the dismissal of such an employee and post the dismissal order on the information board. Staff should exist enlightened of the inevitability of the theft penalty. If yous dismiss an employee "of your own gratis volition" for theft, so the remaining employees will understand that you tin can keep to steal with impunity, and will continue to reduce the store'southward inventory, Natalia said.

Now most the measures to prevent theft, which offers the company "Super Retail".

In order not to seduce managers, it is necessary to constantly monitor workflow, production reports, standardize business processes and establish command over the procurement and even the well-being of managers.

Amidst the ways to improve the work of cashiers are checking reports on returns, discounts, barcoding of goods, video surveillance, and locking the reversal button. It is also worth introducing a ban on the manual entry of the number of units of goods. And practise not turn the cashier into the housekeeper Pelageya, the director of the keys to the cash drawer. A proficient measure will besides be the practice of constant sudden control raises of cashiers and the adoption of administrative and material measures with poor results.

The consulting company "Super Retail" believes that sellers tin can be controlled past checking personal items of staff at the entrance and get out from ane service entrance. And practice not be afraid that this may be perceived by sellers as a humiliation of dignity. In retail, such an order is considered the norm and is negotiated when applying for a task. As a rule, those who really plan to steal are unremarkably indignant. If such rules do not adjust someone, you should wish him expert luck in his further searches. Sometimes the sales team itself calls for the introduction of such a system. Otherwise, it turns out that one steals, and others pay for it.

Natalia Novoselova as well believes that there should be significant discounts for sellers on the buy of the goods existence sold, then as not to once again lead them to think almost the secret capture of Izmail. In general, a panacea for all cases - a regular mini-inventory with a shield and sword in hand.



Throughout the year, we talked near toll reduction, and so relevant in times of crisis. How to work with the array, how to amend service, how to reduce marriage. It's time to talk about this ...


Source: https://shoes-report.com/articles/upravlenie_magazinom/mimo-kassy/

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